Friday, March 16, 2012

Game Time: Colgate Vs. Union-ECAC Semifinals

Our own Evan Slavit's view from the stands
15 Matt Hatch - 19 Kelly Zajac (A) - 21 Wayne Simpson
9 Daniel Carr - 27 Jeremy Welsh (A) - 7 Josh Jooris
16 Kevin Sullivan - 12 Kyle Bodie - 17 Daniel Ciampini
23 Cole Ikkala - 18 Max Novak - 11 Sam Coatta

22 Mat Bodie - 28 Shawn Stuart
2 Nolan Julseth-White (C) - 3 Ryan Forgaard
14 Shayne Gostisbehere - 20 Greg Coburn

1 Troy Grosenick
30 Colin Stevens
31 Dillon Pieri
*Award winners demarcated by italics. 


Lineups to come.

Game Notes, Etc. 

Follow Along

Union Takes The Ice, via Ken Schott.
  • Remember, you can watch the game online here for $10. 
  • You can also listen to the game through the radio broadcast online here
  • Eschew the computer and listen on real radio: 1160 WABY or 1240 WKVZ.
  • Follow Ken Schott, Colgate Athletics, Union Athletics.
  • Get your live stats here!
  • There's a live blog going on over at, so check that out.

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