Saturday, January 16, 2010

Union tops RPI 3-1 to take Capital Skates Trophy

Wayne Simpson had the game-winner early in the third, and Keith Kinkaid made 22 saves for the win. Youcan read my summary of the game on

What a great game of hockey! There was great two-way hockey and solid goaltending. I personally would have started Corey Milan over Keith Kinkaid considering Keith's numbers against RPI this year but I definitely can't complain with the way he played. The Dutchmen started off slow, which was probably due to some nerves and trying to impress too much. But, after KK's stop on Chase Polacek's breakaway and Adam Presizniuk's goal the team turned their game up a notch, as they owned the third period offensively and defensively. A team that wins the third period of games is a team that is going to go far in the playofs. For many years I had a coach who always stressed the importance of winning the final period, and if he didn't he would skate us all next practice... even if we won. He always said "win the third, win the game."

The best aspect of the game was definitely the atmosphere. The student section was practically filled by 6:20 and were extremely loud when the team's came on the ice for pre-game warmups. The rink was electric and everyone was on their feet for most of the game. Props to Union's #1 Will Friedman for keeping the student section loud.

In the post-game press conference RPI Head Coach Seth Appert emphasized how Union was not better than his team. As a reporter I sat there and didn't say anything, but as a fan I wanted to defend my team and argue with him. Good thing I didn't because I probably would have lost my job. But, having him say that makes me want to face them in the playoffs so we can just beat them another two times.

It was also great to see Prez, Lil' Simpson, and Cain score. Prez hasn't been as great as he was last season statistically. Hopefully his goal will spark a hot streak for him because Union will need him to play well down the stretch to be successful. Even though Wayne's goal was a "garbage goal," it's still a goal. This was his first goal since October 30th when Union lost to RPI 5-4. Someone else besides Mario and Wally need to score for the Dutchmen to go deep into the playoffs. Cain's goal took extreme effort, and just shows how hard he is working. For the second game in a row he scored a huge goal for his team, and is making a case for a more permanent role.

So, we're still on top of the ECAC standings but more importantly we are now tied for 7th in the PairWise Rankings. If the Dutchmen can stay in the Top 10 of the PWR there is a very, very good chance that they will make the national tournament.

It was a great night for Union Hockey all around as not only did Union beat RPI, but the Union Women's Hockey team won their first ECAC game in 119 games with a 3-0 win at Brown and the Union Club Hockey team won their first game of the season with a win over Mohawk Valley CC.

Read articles on the game on Union, Daily, Times, and Troy You can also see videos and pictures from the Gazette.

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