Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dutchmen put up a record 11 goals against Clarkson

Wow, that was ridiculous. All of us in the press box were completely flustered within the first 10 minutes of the game with all the goals being scored. After a while we all expected that every shot on the Clarkson net went in. Clarkson is a miserable team considering the injuries, illnesses, and the sexual misconduct charges earlier this year. They were missing some defenseman, but hey 11 goals is 11 goals. If you're a Division I hockey team you should not be letting up 11 goals to any league opponent. That being said, Paul Karpowich is not a good goaltender. I remember thinking last season after the three times I saw him that he was not a good goaltender. He seems to be out of place way too much, which leaves big openings where players like Mario can snipe the net easily. I guarantee that will not be the case tonight as St. Lawrence goaltender Kain Tisi is 100 times better than Karpowich. Statistically, Tisi is one of the top netmidners in the ECAC. The matchup with the Saints will be a good and important game.

Congratulations to Super Mario on his 100th career point and second career hat trick, freshman Kyle Bodie on his four point night, and Rich Sillery on his first action this season. I've been hoping that Sillery would see some action this season, and it really made my night that he did. Oh, and a special shout out to #1 fan Will Friedman. It was fun celebrating the win with you last night... haha. Also, if you were wondering who the extra guy behind the bench was last night it was Jason Oshins (second from left), who is a "Coaches Level" donor to the Garnet Blades. For being a "Coaches Level" donor you get the chance to be on the bench for a home game. Oshins is a Board of Trustees member, and is the founder of the Upsilon Sigma chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity at Union College.

1 comment:

  1. Fun celebrating with you too!

    After Clarkson scored within the first 20 seconds of the game, I said to my friend next to me that if we don't come back, the wheels could begin to fall off on this season and it would then be time to push the panic button. We came back in a BIG way.

    Before the game, I said that Union needed to make a statement and blow Clarkson out. I was thinking a nice three goal deficit would do the trick...11-2 though. Wow. Hopefully we didn't waste all of our goal-scoring tonight. Union needs to bring their A-game tonight against a hot St. Lawrence team. Every game is so important at this point.

    I was happy to see Pudge get in net as well. He even made a nice save on the slap shot that changed direction and was tipped. Anyway, GREAT game last night and it was awesome to see Union come out of their scoring slump in a BIG way.
