Monday, July 5, 2010

College Hockey Video of the Week (7/5/10): Eric Ehn's crazy goal against Justin Mrazek

This week's College Hockey Video of the Week is an all-time favorite of mine mainly because I was there. It takes place at the 2008 Skills Competition in Denver during the Frozen Four. I remember being very excited that Union goaltender Justin Mrazek '08 was in the competition because I would actually have someone to cheer for during the Frozen Four. And since I was the only person at the tournament wearing a Union jersey (at least I think so), I was very proud to be cheering for Union... until this goal by Air Force's Eric Ehn against Mrazek.

While there might be an illegal hand-pass involved in this goal, it is still a very cool move. I will admit that I was a bit embarrassed, but it was still an incredible thing to see. But, after this and the performance Jason Walters '10 put on at this year's Skills Competition I really wouldn't mind if no other Dutchmen took part in this competition. (haha).

If you can't see the video click here.

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