Monday, May 9, 2011

College Hockey Video of the Week (5/9/11): Out Of The Woods

Ok, I'm going to try something different with the CH Video of the Week since news is very slow. Instead of showing one video, I will be showing a whole documentary. The documentary is called "Out Of The Woods," which is about Maine's 1993 championship season. This Maine team is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) college hockey teams of all time. With the help of guys like Paul Kariya, Jim Montgomery, Garth Snow, Mike Dunham, and the Ferraro brothers the Black Bears lost only one game that season and went on to win the national championship in dramatic fashion.

Luckily for us, YouTube has this documentary and has is split up into 10 parts. So, for the next five days I will be posting two parts.

Please let me know if you like or dislike this idea. I'm just trying something new.

Here are parts 1 and 2 of the documentary. Enjoy!

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