Saturday, December 5, 2009

Union-Colgate game was "uninspiring"

In Ken Schott's post-game thoughts he harps on how dead the Union faithful were tonight and how it carried over to the ice. I can just picture Mr. Schott right now standing in the press box being absolutely livid when no one sang Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" with him.

Here's Ken Schott's feelings on the game from his blog:

Stephane Boileau blamed the lack of energy to overconfidence, but I know from experience that it is hard to get pumped up for a game in your own building when no one is there or excited. And the reason why there was no energy or excitement tonight was because of the Union students being on winter break. The students truly are the "7th Man" and get the Union players amped. I'm sure the only student dedicated enough to make the trek to Schenectady during their winter break was the team's #1 fan Will Friedman. So, this bring up the question of who and why schedule an ECAC home weekend during the school's winter break? I'm sure it wasn't Coach Leaman's doing because he has said in many conversations that I've had with him how much his team responds to the student section and how they have played their best hockey at home in front of a loud and energetic crowd. This is the first time in recent memory (or at least since I've been at Union) that there was an ECAC game at Messa Rink during the winter break.

I almost feel bad that I did not attend the game, but not that bad considering I went to Nets-Bobcats game where the Nets won their first game of the season. The crowd was really into it and the tickets that I bought were 75 cents (so can you really blame me?). But, I will be making the trek up to Troy on Wednesday to see the Dutchmen take on the Engineers for the third time this season.

This scheduling problem also brings up the question of why is the Union-RPI game at RPI that counts towards league standings on a Wednesday night? This makes no sense to me considering it's a rivalry game. What would be the problem with putting this game in the same weekend when RPI travels to Schenectady on Saturday, Janurary 16th? It's the only game the Dutchmen and the Engineers have that weekend. Someone in the ECAC scheduling office has some explaining to do.


  1. i worked a couple games at home during winter break my senior year, but if memory serves me right it was not ECAC action.

  2. Ha. Thanks, Dan. I actually was at this game with a couple of friends who made the trip up with me from the NYC area. Unfortunately, we weren't as loud as we could have been. I agree with Ken - the arena was pretty dead.

    Congrats on the Nets beating the Bobcats but I was in attendance today when my Knicks took them down.

    Keep up the good work with this blog. It's awesome.
