Monday, January 25, 2010

Dutchmen fall in rankings

  • Union goes from #13 to #18 in the National Rankings

  • In the USA Today/ USA Hockey Magazine Poll the Dutchmen go from #13 to out of the standings. But, they are the top team for teams receiving votes but are not in the Top 15.

  • Most importantly the team goes from a very promising #7 to #19 in the PairWise Rankings. If the season were to end today there is only a 50/50 shot that they would make the National Tournament.


  1. What does it look like for Yanovitch's return?

  2. I haven't heard anything official yet. But, it sounds like it was a minor injury and considering that it's been over two weeks Yano could return soon. He doesn't seem to have a limp walking around campus, so that's a good sign.

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