Wednesday, June 2, 2010

RPI players bulking up

According to Ed Weaver's article from the Troy Record, the Engineers are taking their off season workouts very seriously and the results are fsupposedly obvious as many of the players have gained muscle and strength. The article specifically keys on young gun Brandon Pirri and captain John Kennedy. With the Engineers getting stronger I hope the Dutchmen are keeping up with them (which I'm sure they are).

RPI is going to be a very scary opponent next season as they return Pirri and Kennedy, along with freshman phenom Jerry D'Amigo, first team All-American Chase Polacek, and seasoned goaltender Allan York. With all of these stars returning and a chip on their shoulder after a big disappointment in the playoffs it wouldn't surprise me if RPI finished in the Top 4 of the ECAC next season and made a run to the ECAC Final Four.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, that would be captain John Kennedy actually Dan. :)

    Excellent work on the blog, though!
