Saturday, February 18, 2012

First Intermission Thoughts

- Dutchmen sporting the black Uniforms tonight. Love it when they wear these. I would also be interested in knowing their record when wearing them. This might just be wishful thinking, but I can't remember the last time they lost wearing them.

- Union did not outshoot Quinnipiac the way they did Princeton, but had better overall results as they finish the period up 2-0. (shots were 13-11 Union)

- Big story of the game tonight is Union's power play going up against Quinnipiac's penalty kill. Coming into the night Union's pp was ranked #4 in the nation, and Quinnipiac's pk was ranked #2. Union made it seem like a non-issue, though, scoring on their first power play attempt.

- Unfortunately for Union their next two pp attempts ended quickly as they took a penalty early in both. The silver lining, of course, is the fact that Union was able to tally a goal on their second 4-on-4 opportunity.

- Greg Coburn and Daniel Carr scored the goals for Union. Coburn scored on the first power play after a beautiful cross ice pass from Kyle Bodie. Carr scored on a 4-0n-4 opportunity. Carr gained possession of the puck behind the net, brought it out in front, a rifled in a shot for Union's second goal.

- A quick note on Union's penalty kill. They came into the night ranked #5 in the nation and showed why. Jeremy Welsh and Matt Hatch had outstanding plays for the Dutchmen on the penalty kill. Welsh stole the puck in a way that can only be described as taking candy from a baby. He then skated around in circles before Quinnipiac was able to apply pressure and force him to dump the puck down the ice. On the other end Hatch sped down to continue the pressure, and was able knock the puck away from the Quinnipiac players back to Union. Outstanding.

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