Saturday, February 18, 2012

Second Intermission Thoughts

- I feel like I just watched The Empire Strikes Back. After a strong first period for Union, Quinnipiac battled back. They killed all of Union's power plays and scored a goal to bring the score to 2-1. To keep the Star Wars analogy going, Troy Grosenick got injured in the period, reminiscent of Luke Skywalker losing a hand in the film. It's ok though. If I remember the trilogy correctly, one of their guys is gonna fall down a seemingly bottomless pit at the end of the next period. We might just settle for a win.

- There is no word yet if Grosenick's injury is related to the one that kept him out last week. Colin Stevens filled in for the remainder of the period, and looked good.

- For the stat nut:
Power Play - Union (1-for-6) Quinnipiac (1-for-5)
Shots on goal - Union 19 Quinnipiac 18
Faceoffs - Union 27 Quinnipiac 21 (Kelly Zajac 12-for-16 on the night)

- Third period should be a good one. Slim lead for the Dutchmen, and Quinnipiac looked like the better team in the 2nd. Union needs to come out strong and secure the win.

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