Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tyson Fulton leaves Union

by Ryan Fay

Sophomore forward Tyson Fulton has left Union College and will play hockey next season at Division III St. John's (MN).

"The decision was mutual and we wish all the best to Tyson," said Union head coach Rick Bennett.

It was a bittersweet decision for Fulton.

"It's sad to say goodbye to such a great place," Fulton tweeted. "The memories and friendships I made I will never forget. [I] couldn't ask for a better group of guys."

Fulton played in three games as a freshman, but was injured early this past season and never saw game action. The 21-year-old didn't register a point in his time at Union.

“I just kind of had a tough time [at Union],” Fulton recently told the St. Cloud Times. “Things didn’t go the way I wanted them to and I was feeling a little homesick. I‘m a big believer in God. I think things happen for a reason... I’m very excited about the chance I have at St. John's. I think it’s a place I can have a very successful career — both in hockey and academically.”

Fulton told the St. Cloud Times that his decision to play at St. John's was aided by the presence of long-time friend and current St. John's defenseman Dave Mylrea.

“We grew up together and we’re from the same hometown,” Fulton told the St. Cloud Times. “We’ve been best friends since we were little. So he was a big reason why I looked at St. John‘s.”

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